Main services:
On-line transmissions
Multi-camera streaming to YouTube, Facebook
Multimedia and Screens
LED screens, projectors, screens, Tv-sets, a multimedia lectern sound systems
sound systems
sound systems for events, conferences, sport events, concerts
lighting for events, conferences and concerts
We are a close-knit team, spending thousands of hours preparing for projects. We are passionate about delivering events, we draw from our experience and our driving force is the satisfaction of our clients and the things we do for them.
We specialise in the all-in-one organisation of events with state-of-the-art technology. We provide SHOCKING visual and audio creations. We make animations and promotional films. We do professional multimedia production at the event. We make animations and promotional films.
In addition, we broadcast on-line to Facebook, YouTube or other streaming platforms so that your event reaches people all over the world.
The success of our work is guaranteed by relationships, experience, competence, energy and a positive atmosphere.
We will make unrestricted multi-camera video transmission to any Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, LiveStream or your own server. Simultaneously, we will transmit the image to any medium, TV system, Projectors, LED walls. Transmission via a professional video mixer from as many as 20 cameras. Multi-layered display of content with an option of adding in animations, images, caption beams and other information.
We supply and install multimedia screens, telebims at events and sporting events. We design graphics, boards and animations specifically for your needs.
We provide sound and lighting for all kinds of events. We provide light and sound services for events, conferences, meetings and galas. We provide audiences with even and clear sound and extraordinary lighting effects.
We produce promotional videos, aftermovies and event coverage for companies. We create all animations, visuals and much more from scratch. With our team of film professionals, you will receive video content of the highest quality.
We rent equipment, tools, devices so that you are able to handle your event yourself. Rental of film equipment, lighting, sound, TV sets, large format screens.
We will plan your event for you, find a venue, design the whole event from A to Z, take care of interesting attractions, take care of every aspect in detail from the handling of the event on site in terms of images, lights, sound, multimedia
We understand the need to follow technological innovations. Keeping abreast of innovations and trends, we see a further need for change and diversity in order to enhance the quality and attractiveness of services – seeking and setting new directions in the industry We meet the expectations and ambitions of our customers through a constant striving for perfection. Every event is different for us and we execute each one with extreme care. We know very well that visual and audio creations speak for themselves – so have a look at our offer.
Systemy mocowania oświetlenia scenicznego (eventowego)
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Rodzaje nagłośnienia na eventy (konferencje, kongresy, koncerty)
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Jak zorganizować bezpieczny event?
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Obsługa światła na eventach – rola i zadania specjalistów
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O czym pamiętać przy organizacji imprezy plenerowej?
Planujesz większą imprezę plenerową (koncert, juwenalia czy festiwal)? To świetny pomysł! Przygotowanie się na wszelkie ewentualności i zwrócenie uwagi na konkretne aspekty organizacyjne może istotnie wpłynąć na powodzenie wydarzenia. Sprawdź pogodę - bądź...
we will handle your conference, congress, company meeting, sports event with the utmost care
Our office
Let’s meet:
st. Cystersów 20A, 31-553 Cracow
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